How It Began
In 1969 the Lions Club of Auckland, with advice from the Education Department Adviser in Music, founded the Auckland Boys Choir. Mr Neil Shroff accepted the invitation to become the choir’s first Musical Director (a position he held until the end of 2001) with Mrs Carole Scott being appointed Deputy Musical Director and official accompanist.
Over 200 boys were auditioned in October of 1970 and approximately 70 were selected as probationers. The Choir was born.
The Choir’s first major public performance was in November 1971 in St Matthew’s Church in Auckland, to a large audience. The ‘Herald’ critic headed the Choir’s first review – “This choir sings with beauty and understanding.”
1972 and 1973 saw the Choir take part in major musical performances and perform many times for the public. The Choir appeared in its first uniform consisting of a pale blue skivvy top and long dark trousers. In 1974 the Choir toured for the first time to the Bay of Plenty and Waikato. Other firsts included entering the Auckland Competitions (1st place), and making its first Long Playing record and performing with the NZSO.
By 1976, with the Choir firmly established, the Lions Club withdrew and the Choir became an independent body. The Lions Club had played a major part in the establishment of the Choir and its progress to this point in its life. A new executive committee, under a new constitution, was now responsible for the running of the Choir.
Today’s Choir
Today, the Choir is still an independent body with an elected Board of Management. The Board is responsible for the day to day management of the Choir and the appointment of the Choir’s Director and Assistant Director of Music and Accompanist.
2010 saw the 40th jubilee of the Choir with special functions held in the middle of the year to mark the occasion. Boys who had passed through the Choir over the 40 years were involved in the celebrations.
The Choir celebrated 50 years of excellence in boys’ music in 2020. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic hampered many of the scheduled functions and engagements of the year. Despite the challenges, the Choir continued to honour its legacy by creating online recordings, keeping the Choir’s spirit alive during this difficult time.

What We Stand For
- Excellence in choral singing for boys
- Always striving to achieve the best
- Auckland’s premier boys choir
- For each other and for the music
- Honour the music and the tradition
- Being courteous and considerate
- Practice makes perfect
- The willpower to succeed
- Work hard, play hard
- Rejoice in one of life’s pleasures
- Create powerful memories and experiences
- Do it for the love of singing