Today’s choir consists of boys aged 8 to 13+ years, all of whom have treble voices. Membership is open to boys from all primary and intermediate schools in the Auckland metropolitan area. Entry is by way of attendance at a full rehearsal followed by an audition with the Director of Music.
Boys accepted into the Choir start as probationers and are promoted to full choristers when:
- The boy shows he is taking a full part in the Choir
- He is committed to singing and the learning of words
A choir fee of $100 per term is payable on receipt of an invoice from the Treasurer. Scholarships are available on application to the Choir Manager.

Chorister’s uniforms consist of the following items, most of which are supplied by the Choir:
Casual Uniform
• Blue sweat shirt
• Red branded polo shirt
• Smart blue jeans (not supplied)
Performance Uniform
• White nehru collar shirt
• Black long trousers
• Black leather belt (not supplied)
Church Uniform
• Red cassock
• White ruff (for Church Services)
All boys must wear black leather shoes and black socks with the Performance and Church uniforms, which are supplied by the family. Clean, smart black sneakers can be worn with the Casual uniform.
Casual clothing is allowed at the weekly rehearsals, unless notified otherwise.
Each chorister is awarded an Auckland Boys’ Choir medal after a year as a probationer. At this point, the boys become full choristers.
Medals are worn during performances.
Different coloured ribbons signify each boy’s position in the Choir – most choristers have a blue ribbon. Section Leaders have a red ribbon, the Deputy Head Chorister has a silver ribbon and the Head Chorister a gold ribbon.
Weekly rehearsals allow the boys to learn the repertoire and to prepare for their many performances throughout the year. Members are expected to attend all rehearsals and arrive promptly. The Choir Manager should be notified of any absences (click here for contact details).
Every Monday 4:30 – 6:30pm
No rehearsals during school holidays or public holidays
St George’s Anglican Church Hall
19 Ranfurly Road
Epsom 1023